
Redeployment Ceremony; April 22nd, 2008

In The News

Articles, pictures, and other news about the 2-32 Field Artillery, and the area (Yarmouk and Hateen neighborhoods) where they've been working. For posts older than 30 days, check the archive links on the left, or use the searchbox at the top of the page.

[last update: April 22, 2008]

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Dagger Brigade Weekly Slides

Dagger Brigade Weekly Slides
Dagger Brigade Combat Team Official Site
Week: April 9 - April 15
Slides: 32, 33

CA Team and EWO Farewell
LTC Gregory Gadson
SSG Formwalt
SSG Casas
CPT Lundberg
CTTC Nichols
SGT Thomas Schulte Proudly Re-Enlists
CW2 Jones
CPT Bandy
SGT Schulte
1ST Ruiz

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