
Redeployment Ceremony; April 22nd, 2008

In The News

Articles, pictures, and other news about the 2-32 Field Artillery, and the area (Yarmouk and Hateen neighborhoods) where they've been working. For posts older than 30 days, check the archive links on the left, or use the searchbox at the top of the page.

[last update: April 22, 2008]

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Dagger Brigade Weekly Slides

Dagger Brigade Weekly Slides
Dagger Brigade Combat Team Official Site
Week: Sept 17 - Sept 23
Slides: 26, 27

Bravo Battery Finds Cache With Aid of Local Boy
  • The cache contained dozens of explosives and IED-making materials.
  • SGT Brice Tucker shakes the hand of the boy who led Coalition Forces to the cache
  • PFC Waldo Reich breaks into the location of the cache
1st Platoon, Golf Company Renders Aid to Local Woman
  • SPC Brandon Villavisencio, medic for 1st Platoon, Golf Company, treats a victim of domestic vioence in Hateen. The woman suffered stab wounds to her head and arm, but SPC Villavisencio stabilized her in time to be rushed to the hospital.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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